
Keeping Things Functional, Home Care Reminder

D1D4702E 59F1 47A5 A7E9E36C6C1D841A W1000 H365 Keeping Things Functional, Home Care Reminder

Home Care Reminder is a little project I took on more-so as a opportunity to enhance some skills and play with some API’s that I haven’t had an opportunity to mess around with. 

The idea behind Home Care Reminder help homeowners to stay up-to-date on common maintainence tasks, by scheduling reminders. THe App also allows the user to record contractors contsct information for future reference.

As a developer allowed me to get deeper into Swift 2.0, especially using CoreData and the NSNotifications. 

The other thing I gained through creating this app, is a clearer insight on working with a client that is totally new to the app development process. It is a good reminder on how necessary not to take anything for granted in regards to communication and education. 

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